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09/09/15 10:03 PM

#237593 RE: Lebaneseproud #237588

Have we had a Foreign Policy in the past few years? Gee, I missed that.


09/10/15 12:12 AM

#237619 RE: Lebaneseproud #237588

ever heard of 'for domestic consumption'? .. you should feed in more enlightened places ..


10/10/15 9:20 PM

#239410 RE: Lebaneseproud #237588

Another repub spectacular FAIL!

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him

An investigator who worked for Trey Gowdy’s investigation of Benghazi on the House Select Committee is now revealing that the entire point of the operation was to damage Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election.

Major Bradley Podliska, an Air Force Reserve Intelligence Officer who describes himself as a conservative Republican, is blowing the whistle in an interview with CNN:

Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

The committee has spent $4.6 million of tax dollars so far, and has faced intensified scrutiny after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy admitted on Fox News that the committee had been instrumental in attacking Clinton, and driving down her favorability in advance of the 2016 election. It is believed that this is part of the reason McCarthy pulled out of the race for Speaker of the House.

Democrats have begun calling for an end to the partisan investigation, pointing out that it is unfair to subsidize the Republican Party’s 2016 election ambitions using taxpayer funds, especially after eight other investigations have probed the Benghazi attack.

Podiska told CNN, “I am going to vote for the Republican nominee in 2016. I do not support Hillary Clinton for president.” But says he had to break his silence because, “at the end of the day I need to live with myself.”