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09/09/15 10:03 PM

#22679 RE: Dbrown13 #22673

I see that since Vancouver Police Departments and other municipalities refused to enforce these laws, Minister Ambrose is appealing to the Federal RCMP. Thats a powerful move. Rook to H8. Check.

Will RCMP actually do Minister Ambroses bidding? Because its not some dispensaries that are illegal under the MMPR. All dispensaries selling cannabis from a store front are illegal.

This is going to become a sh!t storm really fast. A sharknado. Probably the catalyst to bring more voters out leading up to October 18.

I like cannabis, I like dispensaries. But I favor equality and justice more. This battle reminds me of the issues with the taxi industry and Uber x. One is heavily taxed, lisenced, regulated, restricted and accountable. The other is not. Providing the same service.?

The best reform model keeps diapensaries, under the LP model and increases access to all Canadians. IMO


09/09/15 10:14 PM

#22682 RE: Dbrown13 #22673

I Laugh at your legal knowledge, The letter must be signed by Health Minister, seriously if this letter was presented to a judge for a warrant, you or whowever would be charged with Fraud!!!!
FYI It can't happen to my Compassion Club, because Heath Canada would have to go to court and have the previous ruling to continue Business overruled!! LOL If Tweeds weed was as dense as Tweed investors, it would still be CRAP!!!! And here's proof, a "brand" new Tweed picture, of Twigs and seeds!!!! people will get sick from this!!!!!

PS I will be emailing a copy of this letter along with the Website lift, and will ask how and why do they have this letter, will see who is playing games!!!!! just ask alpine!!!!!


09/09/15 10:44 PM

#22683 RE: Dbrown13 #22673

Well, after careful review... Unfortunately this letter would appear to be illegitimate.
1. HC would not "email" this type of communication
2. It's Canada. We spell it mariHuana.


09/09/15 10:52 PM

#22686 RE: Dbrown13 #22673

Dispensaries are DOOMED! We all new this was coming!


09/09/15 11:36 PM

#22693 RE: Dbrown13 #22673

That letter is a fake. I don't think HC has the authority to shut dispensaries down.