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09/09/15 12:11 PM

#52559 RE: capt AL #52558

No rs coming my friend


09/09/15 12:37 PM

#52562 RE: capt AL #52558

No R/S! They said that many times too!

Go listen to the conference calls from the last few years. That is the other thing they have addressed over and over for people that keep insisting that they will R/S. When they first took over the company years ago and the company was in such bad shape, they were advised to do a R/S. They REGRETTED it and have said that over and over and they have said that they would NEVER do another one! They admitted that it was bad advice and they wish they could go back and change it but they can't. All they can do is learn from it.
Seriously go back and listed to the conference calls from the last couple of years. This time they said it over and over again because there were so much talk from bashers saying they were about to R/S. They said over and over that everyone needs to put that idea to rest because it is not going to happen PERIOD!
So no R/S and St. Louis has no plans of letting any of his shares go until this thing hits at least a nickel PPS and maybe even higher. He said between a nickel and a dime were actually his words and he has said that for years now. I have to say I believe him on that since he has yet to sell a single share and we have seen this thing get over a penny twice in the last few years and once it got to .016 PPS. He still did not sell one single share so it is hard to call him a liar on that when he has put his money where his mouth is over and over again even when this stock has skyrocketed in the past. It never got high enough to get his attention and make him want to cut loose with any of his own shares.
Why not give him the benefit of the doubt since so far he has done everything he has said he is going to do and nothing that he has said that he isn't going to do? Tell us a time when he wasn't truthful. He has spelled out for you for years the purpose of his shares and he pulls no bones about it. Companies do this all the time. His company is no different.