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09/09/15 6:04 AM

#27700 RE: sunspotter #27699

Aha, a good mixed metaphor or malaprop

can be high art. To prove it, two or more mixed metaphors from the movies, classic!

From Airplane: "I guess the foot's on the other hand now!"
From Hot Shots! Part Deux: "Looks like the upper hand is on the other foot!"
Similarly, from The Naked Gun 2: "Well, it looks like the cows have come home to roost!"
From the first Austin Powers film: "But unfortunately for yours truly, that train had sailed."
Mr. Furious from Mystery Men does this a lot, often in conjunction with Metaphorgotten. "I don't need a compass to show me which way the wind shines."
In The Movie of Master and Commander, the entire final battle hinges on a tactical maneuver Captain Aubrey derives by completely mangling the notion of an insect that disguises itself as a stick to evade predators.
Captain Aubrey: Now to pull this predator in close and spring our trap.
Dr. Maturin: Jack?
Captain Aubrey: Yes?
Dr. Maturin: You're the predator.
Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future trilogy: "Make like a tree, and get out of here."
Ironically, it was the 2015 Biff that corrects him, saying, "It's leave, you idiot! "Make like a tree and leave." You sound like a damn fool when you say that wrong."
And BUFORD. Honestly:
Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen: ...I'm gonna hunt you down and shoot you down like a duck!
Henchman: It's dog, Buford. Shoot him down like a dog.
Let's just say it's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.
In The Boondock Saints, the bartender Doc was always doing this.
Doc: Well, you know what they say... people in glass houses sink sh-sh-ships.
Rocco: Hey, Doc, I've gotta buy you, like, a proverb book or something. This mix-and-match shit's gotta go.
Eventually the other characters start making fun of him for it, saying things like
"A penny saved is worth two in the bush" and "And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen."
Doc: Why don't you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here!
The Dude from The Big Lebowski
Jackie Treehorn: Refill?
The Dude: Does the pope shit in the woods?
From the movie North:
A bird in the hand is always greener than the grass under the other guy's bushes.
Disney's Pinocchio:
Jiminy Cricket: You buttered your bread. Now sleep in it!
The Social Network:
Sean: Ah ha. The shoe's on the other...
Amy: Foot?
Sean: ... table, which has turned.
In The Whole Ten Yards, Jimmy seems to merge two Bibleic phrases into "Do unto others before you're turned into a pillar of salt". Of course, being a retired hitman, he has a slightly different understanding of "do unto others".
in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, a non-native speaker of English tries to make a metaphor, is told they got it wrong, and corrects himself:
Man: He's going to be hard to spot, like a needle in a coal mine.
Joe: You mean, "haystack."
Man: Right, sorry. He's going to be as hard to spot as a haystack in a coal mine.
Robocop 2 has an example that doesn't even sound relevant to the current situation (kids wasting water):
RoboCop: A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.