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06/21/06 11:58 AM

#10583 RE: madforareason #10582

LOL! You can think what you want...

I was sucked in by a VERY smooth-talking con artist. Actually, two of 'em. What can I say? Have you always done the right thing? I think not. Hopefully you have learned from this experience, as have I.

The best I can do to make ammends - is to follow Taylor wherever he goes - to each new scam, continue to write emails, make phone calls, and contact anyone who can help. That is what I have been doing. I am VERY PATIENT, and I am pleased with the progress to date. Can you think of something else I can do?

Do you feel like helping out?


06/21/06 12:13 PM

#10585 RE: madforareason #10582

"I'm really not convinced that you're not all one and the same poster."

Um, that would never fly here on I-hub. Matt would shut me down in a cold minute if that were true. In fact, you have had more aliases than me!