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09/05/15 11:31 AM

#114985 RE: changes_iv #114983

Yes, every one is aware that they say they can do these wonderful amazing things. The problem everyone is having is that they for some reason never actually do.

Misleading the investing public with statements that imply an ability to "plug and play" any virus into their "magical nano structure" (Saymore's own words) and produce a cure for any virus in two weeks is criminal, and complete and utter bullshit. Keeping the blinders on is a recipe for financial disaster if one has been fooled into investing. Remember there's an old stock market saying, "The key to making money in the stock market is not large gains, it's small losses."

Smart money ran for the exits at the first red flag. And I say this as someone that has invested some really dumb money in the past myself.

Just sayin'


09/05/15 1:29 PM

#114986 RE: changes_iv #114983

"Phase I in a week?,...two weeks!!!"

It's a shame you put all that effort into explaining "here is how" yet still never explained "here is how". The actual testing done in Phase 1 does require material to be tested, but the production of that material isn't the factor that one expects to constrain the completion of the phase.

Your post suggests that perhaps you don't understand what a Phase 1 test is.

BTW, thanks for posting Seymour's inconsistency with his statement in the interview:
"by the way, I'm sure that when you think human trials for drugs you think of hundreds of millions of dollars and years of time, well in this case because the disease only lasts a week, two weeks,...that it is possible to complete human trials in the space of a few short months...four parts to the human trials" ~ Dr. Eugene Seymour, CEO Nanoviricides, Inc."

A few short months is not likely either, but it's a far cry from a week.