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09/05/15 12:20 AM

#25405 RE: fozzie1964 #25404

Or Maybe they should stop doing Harlem shake videos and THINK for a change.

Let's call this what it was - a wonderful oppty to add value that turned into an absolute debacle. Shit like this can rip teams apart


09/05/15 12:25 AM

#25407 RE: fozzie1964 #25404

Yall know pinky pinky is what it is some want to be hear than were here

Old Tymer

09/05/15 4:06 PM

#25449 RE: fozzie1964 #25404

Yes, I’m sure they’re all a bunch of swell guys! Pleasant, smiling, shaking hands. Just the best!

Why don’t we take a look at just a couple of statements and facts about NGCG, these swell guys who would never lie or deceive their shareholders:
1) Here is a quote from a 5-8-2015 return email sent to me by Longoria:

“With regard to not including a previous company (Hall of Fame), it was not required to do so at the time. Mr. Ross came on board, Mr. Johnson later followed only to leave very soon after. Neither have withheld or purposely omitted information to deceive.”

Say what?!:

The above was in response to my question as to why Calvin Ross (and Alex Johnson) did not include one single word about his Hall of Fame disaster (getting his stock suspended by the DTCC for his participation in a mega multi-billion share selling scam. HOSB’s portion was 2.2 billion shares!)


Suspension of DTC Services: Green Globe International Inc., Imagexpress Corp., LIGATT Security International Inc., Sierra Gold Corp, GoIP Global, Inc., Hall of Fame Beverages

And being told by the SEC this:
Imposing a permanent bar on Defendants from participating in any offering of a penny stock pursuant to Securities Act Section 20(g) [15 U.S.C. § 77t(g)].

What does ‘…not required to do so at the time” have to do with anything? Either Longoria is lying through his teeth, or he doesn’t have a clue as to what he’s talking about! It’s a bio. You put your past experience in your bio.

So Longoria’s saying that there was some kind of rule that said he didn’t have to put that in at the time? LMAO! Are you kidding me? Whatever experience you have, you put it in. Period. His next statement:

“Neither have withheld or purposely omitted information to deceive.”

Excuse me? What other reason could there be for NOT putting all that info about HOSB in their bio? They didn’t want anyone to know about the scam they got caught running, and the suspension of their shares! That’s called deceit.


“dishonest behavior : behavior that is meant to fool or trick someone”

Calvin and Alex knew exactly what happened at HOSB. They ran that scam. Who is Longoria trying to b.s.? Apparently there are some people who actually believe this swill! “Not required to do so at the time.” And that’s an honest answer? LOL.

This next one defies believability! This comes in response to my asking him to explain the astronomical number of shares issued to Ross, Longoria and Berio:

“Mr. Ross has a job to do here. He does not call the shots or make decisions”

Really? Calvin Ross issued HIMSELF 169,615,000 shares. He issued Longoria 102,612,000 and he issued Berio 80,000,000. All for, get this: “Services Rendered.” And Calvin isn't even an officer or director. He's just an employee! And he owns more shares than any of the officers and directors! No, nothing wrong with this picture. LOL.

Services rendered? WHAT services rendered?! Calvin has yet to contribute anything to NGCG. He hasn’t rendered anything to NGCG. He has more shares than anybody and owns 100% of the super Series A voting shares. In other words, CALVIN ROSS CAN’T BE OUT VOTED BY ANYONE…EXCEPT GOD…MAYBE!

And Calvin Ross is NOT IN CONTROL? Do you honestly believe this? When you go see them next, I want you to ask them about those shares and ask them to prove they deserve that many shares for services rendered. I have never seen any CEO at any company issue himself even close to that many shares. That’s just downright disgusting. If that one act doesn’t raise a HUGE RED FLAG with people, then something is really wrong. Just based on the filings, Calvin Ross is pretty much in control of everything. The filing speaks for itself.

I won’t even get into the Excuse Vodka fiasco. Calvin: ‘We’re waiting for approval from the ‘ATF’ (LOL). Then from someone else (Longoria or Berio) ‘No wait, actually it was our supplier that was holding us up!’ Maybe it was the extraterrestrials! They hijacked the test sample of fruity flavored Excuse Vodka, got drunk and passed out for 6 months!

This has nothing to do with a few stumble bumbles by a new company trying to get their legs under them. This has to do with what is actually coming out of their mouths and what they are putting in their filings. Tangible things you can hear and see for yourself. When you go see them, don’t let them schmooze you. Ask the tough questions and listen carefully to what their answers are.

NGCG needs to do better than this. Much much better.