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09/04/15 6:31 PM

#114977 RE: leifsmith #114976

Dude the guy is a disaster. You think we're hard on him? CNBC would rip him a new asshole. That's why he doesn't hold conference calls everyone either.


09/04/15 7:00 PM

#114978 RE: leifsmith #114976

The link to the HIV test item in my previous post goes to a description of the use of the invention of Dr. Seymour for HIV detection. The patents are now expired. It took 20 years to get it approved. During that time a lot of lives were needlessly lost for lack of a simple, quick test.

Same kind of thing is happening with the MERS nanoviricide right now, while people are dying in the Persian Gulf region. Not many, so far, but what about someday, perhaps soon?

It's not the fault of the company that the test has not been done. There have been levels of government related complexity.

Maybe someday someone in an authoritarian government, like Saudi Arabia, will be motivated to take matters into their own hands and see what they can do.

Please do not take this message as a claim that the test of the MERS drug would be successful. There are good reasons for thinking it would be; but, it might fail. Certainly the test should be done as soon as possible. The Haj is one of the world's great gatherings, bringing together people from all over the world. Last thing Saudi would want would be millions of people, from almost every place in the world, carrying a virus back to their homeland.


09/05/15 8:32 AM

#114982 RE: leifsmith #114976

Why don't you just admit that you made this up?
"The man is an MD who has been a surgeon in Vietnam."

Or at least admit that you were wrong about it. Your link to the SEC filing, the company's bio for him, and the entirely world wide web fail to confirm your assertion that he "has been a surgeon in Vietnam". To my knowledge he hasn't even made that assertion publicly himself.

Feel free to show that he's been a surgeon ANYWHERE. I'd like to know if he has.

I'm sure there must be some evidence that he's compassionate, but your false example failed to do so.