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09/04/15 4:19 PM

#312931 RE: Dollars1 #312928

Dec 31st discovery ends
Jan 14th joint status report due
Wow, thanks D :) that was quick...


09/04/15 4:20 PM

#312932 RE: Dollars1 #312928

Great minds D1. haha You got me by 17 seconds.

Lots of good stuff in there for us. I like it. More discovery and then we can unseal the docs.!

Mikey Mike

09/04/15 4:22 PM

#312934 RE: Dollars1 #312928

Deny everything and extend the time...Super...bleh...guess we're falling on Tuesday...


09/06/15 4:46 PM

#313091 RE: Dollars1 #312928

She is ruling logically and in our favor as I read it

Things we wanted - our request to extend our discovery (I assume its always been jurisdictional discovery?) GRANTED


plaintiffs’ motion to stay briefing on defendant’s supplemental motion to dismiss (Docket #164) is GRANTED

and as I read it the judge then used the robe and cloak of continuing discovery to dodge some other questions pro and con for us

but as I read it

we get more documents and interviews and time to read and learn

GOV effort to get a supplemental motions to dismiss is STAYED - no such decision while discovery going on - (in essence while not denying out right - the STAY IMO confirms that the Judge does not at all or wholly accept the core argument of the GOV that would be the foundation for a dismissal (????????_