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#6530 RE: Lance1212 #6529

Yeah I saw it a while ago and yawned.

I don't want to look at it again now - - - but - - - at the time I was convinced that it was almost a "paid" post.

One of those things ( like WHO's WHO ) where you pay them to include your name in a "prestigious" list, and you can quote it ( blah blah blah ) to your friends , bragging that you're in WHO's WHO .

Of course you gotta buy the bound hardcover list ( which is where the scam makes its money ) to show it off to your friends.

My g'father was in WHO's WHO over fifty years ago, and that's how I learned about that particular scam.

THINK OF THIS ( Tirex being named Company to Watch ) as that. ........ Your Quote :

companies who applied to participate in the 2015 Connecticut Innovation Summit.

. . . . . read that as " companies who applied AND PAID THE APPLICATION FEE to participate in the 2015 Connecticut Innovation Summit ."
