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09/04/15 12:43 PM

#23105 RE: XenaLives #23104

I was so hoping that there would be someone stepping forward to make a go of this.


09/04/15 4:49 PM

#23108 RE: XenaLives #23104


The keyword here is 'know.' A couple years back when this thing was a hot potato, there were graphic details as to how it would work using the kajillions of rail ties that were wasting away or were going to waste away all across Canada. And process was naturally going to produce clean energy. Even the Canadian government was so impressed by the outline that it (uh . . .) promised to spot the entrepreneurs 50 million big ones as seed money. That's what we kept hearing, anyway. Turns out it was all bullshit, but that's pinkyland for ya.

Fact is, nobody really 'knew', because it hadn't been put into motion. Theoretically, many still believe the project is a viable one. Problem is, the bull is sleeping in the pasture now, and no one wants to step up and grab it by the horns.

So, if you're DD doesn't show anything, it's because the whole deal was shown strictly on paper. Hence, could or will this energy project ever be salvaged? God only knows, and He ain't sayin'.
