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09/04/15 10:22 AM

#117464 RE: joboggi #117463

its $5-Mil. on the GT assay

ESS is looking for full USDOD Army grant funding

burn rate will drop to $1.2-Mil. per BF on last CC

but who actually knows - including management themselves?

way too many NDA's and not enough "financial model" guidance

AMBS will need partners for ELTO, ESS and GT

with LymPro going commercial, I'd expect a similar JV arrangement

however, they have a biforcated plan of spinning out the DX

or partnering it, or selling it, or or or ....

the Street is confused, as AMBS was, is and continues to be 'all over the place'


09/04/15 12:04 PM

#117467 RE: joboggi #117463

It is $10 million for the Georgetown test. ( another in a long line of don't test my memory. )

Looking for the next flush of a day to buy. $1.6 should be retested.


09/04/15 12:27 PM

#117468 RE: joboggi #117463

Your timeframe is a bit off, they have until January 13, 2016 to exercise the Georgetown option. Even if they don't it's only $75,000 to extend the option agreement.

However once the Shelf Offering comes into play the option will be exercised. My crystal balls says November...


09/04/15 12:51 PM

#117469 RE: joboggi #117463

If that's should be the case, it's very primitive thinking of GC.
Thinking that the update would be very well accepted without any specific update.
What a stupid thought. The more that you did want the Market to Believe that lympro could soon be generate income and for weeks now you suddenly keep your mouth shud and surprices the Market out of nowhere that there will be more shares dumped into the market, GC you surely made yourself less trustworthy. The shareprice gives you the right answer. Don't tell me that you've been surpriced.
you talk a lot.....