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07/03/03 1:17 PM

#13478 RE: ElderWolf #13476

Elder, you have recently made some very good points. One thing that I must warn is that when shareholders say just another 2 months it tends to drag on and on. There were deadlines in the past that they extended. Now when this 2 months comes to an end, they may come up with another excuse and say...just another few weeks...and shareholders will echo just another few weeks wont hurt us since we have been here so long. Then after that few weeks they will come up with some other unanticipated scenario and say 'one more month'...and so on. In this way, the charade can continue for years (not saying that this is what NVEI is doing but I have seen it with other stocks)
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07/03/03 3:50 PM

#13488 RE: ElderWolf #13476

EW, I, like you, am also a victim of the penny OTC wars. We, in fact, shared war stories re KAHI, lest we forget. The huge difference is, of course, mgmt is not tainted, as theirs was, with other liaisons that spelled out our suspicions of them. We should not tar NVI's mgmt with the same brush as we painted them. Of course, that is the temptation and, in fact, the reality here since lots of posters are coming from a similar place wherein OTC can't be trusted and expect the worst. Had I - along with many others- not spoken with Brad and came away with a good feeling about him and his trustworthiness,
I'd be joining the chorus calling for revision of
salaries, etc. I concur with the poster who pointed out how it would look to fellow telco companies once word got out that the salaries were being diminished/deferred. It's dog eat dog in big business; show any weakness and they go for the throat. They'd be salivating, just waiting to get their hands on the tech so as to rip it off and dare us to sue, knowing full well that it is an almost prohibively expensive and time-consuming process which is often settled out of court for pennies or dimes on the dollar. Brad seems pretty sure of himself in his latest statements and I'm prone to give him full rein and every chance to "show us the money", as it were. We are but ~ 2 months away from
the end of the 4-8 month time period, at which time he'll either put up or he knows his nikes won't enable him to run fast enough from our posse. :-)
Why, I wonder, does this explosive subject arise at such a critical juncture in NVI's history? It isn't as though it couldn't have been raised before, yet it's come up at a time when mgmt has to lay some it's cards on the table in a relatively short time.
Everyone seems to have gotten nervous and short-fused in the past two weeks or so. What has changed to make this a current event? My attitudes towards the company remains the same; I've voiced it here often enough that it doesn't bear repetition,
yet I will anyway: I see the company in its late stages of development, nearing the brink of FPGA
announcement, - IMO - about to release SIL, with all of the thus-far rosy forecasts and receptions it has
had, funding (likely) emanating from this and/or other as yet unknown considerations, with ASIC's
on the horizon. The knowledge that they can be mfr'd in much shorter time and for far less money than previously estimated augers well for its affordability and time to production and availability. All in all, I'm still sipping my (strengthened) Kool Aid and watching the clouds go by. A fool's paradise? Perhaps, but I don't think so (see above).