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09/03/15 9:59 AM

#22338 RE: MMPRuser #22337

Group Think is a terrible disease. Racism, Reefer Maddness, Riot mentality. When individuals can freely come to there own conclusions regarding their own lives and act on it, then we advance as a society. Change doesnt come from forcing legislation on behavior, but free and open communication that allows ideas to be challenged and debated, especially at the parlimentary level. Thats why Canada has bee. socially regressive for the past decade, because the ruling party governs like the omnipotent talking head from the wizard of oz. sciemntists are muzzled and forced to be qiuiet on their research. MP's. tow Party lines more than represent their constituants. And the public is barraged with mind numbing media that discourages different percpectives. How else could the current Health Minister publicly announce no medical benifits to cannabis when she has no medical training? Alcohol has medical benefits. used every day all over the world. Poppies..growing out of the graves of a hundred thousand canadian soldiers, is used as medicine in the right scenario. every demonized plant on earth has its place. why its taking so long for individuals to get up of there brains and vote accordingly? Group think.

J Trudeau made a light announcement on legalization today. stopping short of delivering a national framework. instead saying he would like the provinces to decide how they would like to regulate. This is a great way to have an open debate from the nuances of the electorate. Twd could be well positioned to be part of that discussion.