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09/03/15 8:55 AM

#22334 RE: Wo #22333

There you go man, try marijuana medical services - they really look like they are set-up to sign people up

expensive first time fee, but once you got your bottle of Tweed you can puff it on the streets, you can go in to your family doctor's office and say - check it out

if you have chronic pain - DONE, you are in, many clinics have document request forms that you can give to your current doctor

when it is all over, don't forget to share your story on facebook and generally with everyone you meet - like when you are at the bank depositing or withdrawing or whatever, let the clerk know about it
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09/03/15 9:03 AM

#22335 RE: Wo #22333

That is going to go smooth as silk my friend - exactly what I did for my wife, I had to kinda argue with her but I made her fax the medical document request form to her doctor, we didn't hear anything back

2 weeks later she had an appointment with him, he didn't want to do it, didn't tink marijuana was right, she stood up for herself and said she wanted a second opinion and she asked if she had the right to request her diagnosis and relevent documentation

the doctor faxed the document, skype doctor was really, really professional about it - don't be shy if you have previous experience with illicit cannabis - if 2 grams a day is what you think you feel comfortable with let them know -

a few months after we started I had my wife call up the doctor again, we said we wanted to experiment with edibles and we running a little low on supply, we also wanted to try another LP so we were not so dependent on one supplier - doctor complied, 4 grams a day split up between Tweed and Organigram -

and i buy damn near every gram I can! I started the process myself, my doctor thinks I have ADHD, he is going to give me a questionaire after I get my blood test done, what a joke, before you know it everyone in Canada will know the scam

anyone gets a doctor to prescribe them any medicines or diagnose them with any problems - including anxiety, depression, insomnia -

then the family doctors opinion is used as the basis for a referral to Mr. Skype