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09/02/15 7:52 PM

#136606 RE: locksflooring #136605

Of course not. Most of us take the time to get to know each other on a personal level, you know, by real names. Those are the names we use when we all liked Corey's page, smh
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09/02/15 8:57 PM

#136611 RE: locksflooring #136605

Locks, I am a big fan, but I can assure you after $25k in, I am an investor on whatever list you are referring to and I "liked" the Facebook page. Sorry my friend. Question, would you like to see Corey take control of MTVX and all of its entities. Or would you like a split? Or would you prefer that Troy continue to run the entire show? Honest answer please. For myself, I would love nothing more than to see Troy out and Corey find a suitable replacement CEO for MTVX. Just my 2 cents.

Silver lining? Ok so I am a glass half full kinda guy. So When I see two individuals fighting over the rights to products I am invested in, I see that as a good thing? Some here would lead you to believe the ticker is dead, bankruptcy, grey sheets blah blah blah..... But I can tell you, human nature says that people wouldn't stick around to protect entities if bankruptcy or grey sheets or whatever (negative comment insert here) was imminent. They would simply walk away. Writing is on the wall stuff. Right? I mean why fight the fight if its a foregone conclusion??? But alas, Its my opinion that both Smartcarbs and Motopeds are headed in the right direction of market share. Why fight, if its worth bubkis? What does this all mean to investors currently holding MTVX shares??? I have no damn idea???? But, I think it could be positive. Corey is working on some wicked things with SmartCarb. If they can overcome the production lag hurdle they will be flying. Motopeds applications and market possibilities are very unique and popular. Motopeds will continue gaining traction if again they can get over the production lag hurdle. Which will take a CEO with great financial moxie to balance that. Will this happen? No idea. Is it possible? Yes, yes it is. Some say $30,000,000 in debt. Ok. When you are selling products that retail between $450 (smallest SmartCarb) and $3200+ (Survival bike) it doesn't take long to eclipse that number in revenue. They aren't selling rubber bands..........In the end, what a SH!T show??? As Russell Crow said "Are you not entertained"? Well I can think of lots of ways to spend $25,000. But for better or worse I am married to this pig. GO MTVX!!!!!!