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09/02/15 1:15 AM

#237336 RE: fuagf #237335

Casey County Clerk Casey Davis, says he could fight the law and his right to deny gay marriage to the death ..

"Davis said that the same-sex marriage isn’t real marriage because it violates the Bible: “Where is Adam and Eve’s marriage license recorded at and who did they go get them issued by? I’ll tell you, God issued them. God ordained it. Whether you believe in God or not, the Bible is where marriage came from and it is where it will continue to come from regardless of what man says that it is. It will never be anything but between one man and one woman in the eyes of God, that’s what marriage is and someone else may label it as something else but it can never be anything except between one man and one woman.”"

Leaving aside the obvious fact that marriage was around before the Bible Casey of Casey we could suggest could stop listening to politically conservative
talking points, and he should understand that God didn't write the Bible, and that his Bible says much more of marriage than simply his man-woman gig.

Dear Christians who oppose “gay marriage” because it isn't "Biblical marriage"...

by Rachel191
Thu Apr 04, 2013 at 03:01 PM PDT

Dear Christians who oppose “gay marriage” because it isn't "Biblical marriage",

There may be a lot of reasons that you're opposing “gay marriage”/marriage equality. But your alleged support of “Biblical marriage” isn't one of them. I'm not saying the Bible isn't the reason you oppose gay rights. I'm saying you do not support “Biblical marriage”.

It might be a popular line – more popular, at least, than “I think gay people are abominations, because the book that I ignore when it affects things that I do, like wearing mixed fabrics, eating bacon, shaving sideburns, etc., says so; therefore I don't think they should have the same rights that I do” – but it's not true. And if you're about to counter with, “Oh, but God created marriage to be between a man and a woman!” or “The Bible defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman!” save it. Seriously. That a) is not true and b) doesn't matter anyway.

As to the a. Abrahamic faiths don't get to define marriage. That's a human-defined state that existed long before Christianity, Judaism or Islam. When Abraham – the Abraham of “Abrahamic” – visited Egypt, they already had (and had long had) the concept of marriage. It has existed throughout time in almost all cultures.
But it's not simply a question of marriage predating the Bible – and this is perhaps the larger point. The fact is, the Bible does not define marriage the way socially conservative American Christians pretend it does. The “traditional marriage” – a man and a woman (and often enough his mistresses) – that we talk about is “traditional” in the western world for the last 2,000 years or so. But Biblical it is not.

Biblical marriage is a man arranging to buy a girl from her father for an agreed upon purchase price (Genesis 29:18).
Biblical marriage is a wife “giving”, regardless of her maid servant's wishes, her servant to her husband as a “wife” for sex and procreation (Genesis 16:2-3, Genesis 30:3, Genesis 30:9, etc.)
Biblical marriage is a raiding party murdering the fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters of a people but saving the young virgins because they want “wives” [i.e. women to capture and rape, legally] (Judges 21:10-14)
Biblical marriage is a raiding party lying in wait to capture more women as “wives” to legally rape (Judges 21:20-24)
.. if that's not enough there is more ..

It's amazing how vicious so many Christians see their God as.

Pat Robertson: Market Crash God's Punishment For Abortion Rights, Planned Parenthood Funding
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 8/24/2015 11:45 am

Some extra vicious Huckabee trash.

Huckabee: Planned Parenthood Like ISIS Because Both 'Take People's Heads Off'
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 9/1/2015 12:47 pm

Back to marriage, if Casey and his bedeviled ilk really wish to seriously get to the nub of that ..

""What marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman," said Stephanie Coontz, the author of "Marriage,
a History: How Love Conquered Marriage," (Penguin Books, 2006). "It was a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family labor force."