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09/01/15 7:45 PM

#23132 RE: PeaceMaker #23131

Bigger question is why.....I think we are about to get the answer however.
If you have a billion and a half "followers", to use the contemporary parlance, and no telling how many think he is God incarnate. The vicar of Christ. That's what the pope is alleged to be btw. Do a little research if you don't believe me. It's blasphemy to elevate yourself to the role of God but some get upset when I start in on the Christian stuff so I'll leave it be for now.
But I digress, if you have that many followers and you start talking about one world religion and one world gov't and how you killin the planet with your capitalism, how great and wonderful sustainable development is and how we just gonna live amongst the rainbows and unicorns if you'll just submit then the NWO has a very powerful albeit satanic ally.
Very interested to hear what he has to say in the speeches before congress and the UN in a few weeks.
Believe we'll know shortly whose side he is on.
Don't think we are going to like the answer.