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08/29/15 10:22 PM

#237260 RE: fuagf #237259

fuagf -- nice job of zeroing in on one of the key entries in that one -- the The Authoritarian linked ( ) in Dean's itself a real find, a core reference

Dean's conclusion I consider a transparent and utterly unconvincing dive into denial, a glaring break from his own preceding presentation, and/in good part precisely because it is a glaring disconnect both from the manifest history of how authoritarians come to power, and from our present reality

in existing at least relatively liberal/democratic polities/contexts, authoritarians at least virtually always gain/take power from minority positions (neither Hitler nor his Nazi Party ever got as much as 40% of the vote in any German election [the linked ])

and we have plenty of authoritarians, way more than needed -- who right now at least arguably constitute the most dangerous and capable theo-fascist radical right that has ever existed in our history -- one which has been carefully and relentlessly cultivated here for decades and which now is directly and openly being quite literally called to arms to, finally, once and for all, take us over and impose their will and ways

now head further down (about 2/3 of the way through) to the Malloy vids "Donald Trump Is Connecting With People Like Adolf Hitler Did" -- and with those see also in particular the linked -- . . .


09/03/15 10:16 PM

#237390 RE: fuagf #237259

FINALLY!___Donald Trump Stumbles and Bristles During Foreign Policy Interview

Donald J. Trump held a news conference in New York on Thursday.Credit Michael Appleton for The New York Times

By Michael Barbaro
Sept. 3, 2015

Donald J. Trump revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders.

“You’re asking me names that — I think it’s somewhat ridiculous,” Mr. Trump told Hugh Hewitt, a popular conservative radio show host. “As far as the individual players, of course I don’t know them. I’ve never met them. I haven’t been, you know, in a position to meet them.”

At one point, Mr. Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he was familiar with Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the shadowy commander of Iran’s paramilitary Quds Force.

“Yes, but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me,” Mr. Trump replied.

“He runs the Quds Forces,” Mr. Hewitt said.

“Yes, O.K., right,” Mr. Trump said.

But Mr. Trump seemed to think Mr. Hewitt was referring to the Kurds, a group with its own language and culture.

Mr. Trump asserted that “the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated.”

Mr. Hewitt interrupted. “No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces.”

Mr. Trump tried to recover from the live, on-air tutorial. “Yes, yes,” he said.

He added, “Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds.”

Mr. Trump, a real estate developer and brand manager who has never worked in government, has relatively little experience dealing with foreign governments. But he has boasted of his global reach and international experience as a businessman.

Mr. Hewitt said he was not interested in “gotcha” questions but wanted to be sure Mr. Trump had a baseline of knowledge about foreign leaders.

“On the front of Islamist terrorism, I’m looking for the next commander in chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahiri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi. Do you know the players without a scorecard, yet, Donald Trump?” Mr. Hewitt asked.

Mr. Trump’s answer was strikingly dismissive. “No, you know, I’ll tell you honestly, I think by the time we get to office, they’ll all be changed. They’ll be all gone.”

Making matters worse, Mr. Hewitt asked the same set of questions on Thursday to Carly Fiorina, a fellow Republican presidential candidate who, like Mr. Trump, has never served in elected office.

But Mrs. Fiorina sounded confident, patient and informed as she discussed the Quds Force, among other subjects.

Asked if she knew the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah, she explained that “Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories. Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places, but the truth is, both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel.”

Mr. Hewitt signaled his approval. “That’s exactly right,” he said.

On the topic of international leaders, Mr. Trump concluded his interview with a touch of his trademark bravado, promising to become an authority on their names as president.

“If they’re still there, which is unlikely in many cases, but if they’re still there, I will know them better than I know you.”

He added, “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.”®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

WOW! Makes you Feel Smart! HUH? ......cripes what an idiot! now, IF he goes home and goes on a crash course .. we might just might respect him a bit .. because after all .. he SAID he wants to get rid of the carried interest loophole now THAT'S HUGE! I'll overlook this foreign policy matter ... hehehe.. ;-)