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08/30/15 11:24 AM

#70727 RE: Goldstrike #70725

Goldstrike, you present an interesting perspective.

If somebody could explain how shareholders representing not just an immaterial amount of shares EXCEEDING the amount of shares outstanding to the AGM, I could be convinced of the alleged folly. And, I'm not convinced that ALL shareholders of MDMN showed up at the AGM - in fact I am one who did not.

You say the Market Makers are selling more than they have. That is very closely akin to shorting the stock. In other words, the MMs are selling something they don't already have - and will be forced to COVER (i.e. buy on the open market) those shares in order to satisfy their clients. Wouldn't the end result would be somewhat akin to a short squeeze - caused by the new covering?


08/31/15 10:13 AM

#70744 RE: Goldstrike #70725

You are talking about retail short sales, but hedge funds often short stocks illegally via MM. BE does run a small hedge fund, but I highly doubt that he shorts the stock, he has been a long time shareholder not believing in management, but believing in what the geologist have been saying for years about this being possibly the last world class find in South America!