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08/29/15 9:08 AM

#45458 RE: iambadbert #45456


He should give back any government benefits that he has received and have his remaining future benefits taken away. He should not be allowed to refer to himself as a veteran as he has disgraced himself and the country he represented.


08/29/15 9:49 AM

#45460 RE: iambadbert #45456

I will forward this to Nathan. Thanks ;)

Go WOGI Peru!


08/29/15 11:39 AM

#45468 RE: iambadbert #45456

Nathan Hall committing fraud! So sad. He's gotta love the suckers who are getting WOGIED!

Got snake oil?


08/29/15 12:34 PM

#45472 RE: iambadbert #45456

Very nice, real DD with 3rd party verifiable info. to back it up! So unlike the promotional fodder put out by insiders and their associates and used as "DD" to promote the pps(well, try)and sell shares.(well, try lately. Volume and interest are way down from the height of the promotion)

The trading gaps will get larger as the pps continues to fall on yet another Matthew Dwyer wash, rinse, repeat share selling scheme with yet another "new CEO with a new company and a new business plan" promotion.

Great DD, thanks.