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08/28/15 1:37 PM

#39162 RE: BenK #39161

I appreciate optimism, and typically consider myself an optimist. However, with this stock, i think a more realist approach is needed considering the consistent letdowns. It is similar to another company, ILED. Take a look at that company. "Revolutionary technology", even to the point of sales. They are now in court trying to get some sort of compensation for their patents, and have closed their doors. I fear MZEI could be headed down that same path. Furthermore, after some basic research on HAI innovation, it appears there are numerous other companies with strong advancements in HAI prevention, far ahead of MZEI. To that point, is the MZEI technology truly "revolutionary", and if so why? i had mentioned in one of my earlier posts the mass success of xenex, that everyone just ignores. Im not saying MZEI isnt a viable solution....but why not even a sale to a country where EPA is not required? Or 1 update from Ebola....certainly MZEI incurred some sort of expense from those efforts. Did we see 1 piece of followup that touted MZEI success in the field during that epidemic? If so, i dont recall it. This companies sole option, in my opinion is a buyout of their patents. Even if EPA approval comes, can you imagine the strategic vision needed to sell? Who on the current team is capable of that? And please dont say esposito...he has a full time job as CEO and can only provide minimal guidance at best. Sorry to be a negative nancy...would love for someone to hit me with some data that would help prove this company is going upwards.