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John Kent

08/28/15 10:56 AM

#19598 RE: gmoney20 #19595

I get the gist of what he is saying but thesame can be said about everystock. Even on the major exchanges they are not their to make everyone rich always do your DD and get out at the right time thats the way it works. Last friday the economy lost a trillion dollars some win some lose


08/28/15 11:01 AM

#19601 RE: gmoney20 #19595

Sticky that dd


08/28/15 11:42 AM

#19607 RE: gmoney20 #19595

As I all ready said if all smart traders here forget about them and we all talk together what ever they say they will be seen like fool simply ... It is always with silence with shut some bad mouths ;0) if you know what you own you not need to even read or argue their posts :)