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08/27/15 3:50 AM

#43315 RE: emailcheque #43314

For the life of me I can't figure out how my $700 investment tanks in under a week; but in the end my opinion is that the PPS here is worth far more than the actual numbers, based on how many hands we have in the MJ mix.

If you look at less than 3 weeks ago FFFC shoots up briefly to .001 ranges and yet now we sit at .0002.

I think we could see this shoot up as fast or faster than it shot down. Especially on news or revenues of the Tommy C. card. One of the things I'm most excited about are the social media promoters and quality stocks. We are primed for a run. Hopefully sooner than later. I don't think it will take 3 months that's for sure.

Don't be surprised if this shoots up even faster than it went down. Something's not right here; and let's see what happens when news comes out. Bam! PPS Rocket Booster ==> NEWS OUT!