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08/26/15 1:49 PM

#314173 RE: jacksira #314163

Starbucks got turned down 212 times to buy their 1st store..
Bankers would ask them who is going to pay $3 - $7 for a cup of coffee....they didn't get it back then either I bet they're paying $5 - $7 at times ,for coffee to impress the big wig clients

You have to look at the future not today..

We're going to a cashless society..
QR Codes will play a major roll..
We're a little early ,,,but money cometh...


08/26/15 1:49 PM

#314174 RE: jacksira #314163

Starbucks got turned down 212 times to buy their 1st store..
Bankers would ask them who is going to pay $3 - $7 for a cup of coffee....they didn't get it back then either I bet they're paying $5 - $7 at times ,for coffee to impress the big wig clients

You have to look at the future not today..

We're going to a cashless society..
QR Codes will play a major roll..
We're a little early ,,,but money cometh...