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08/25/15 7:37 PM

#232100 RE: RRdog #232099

Nice post without any wild theories ! I am voting NO on all counts !

With PPHM everything is left to shareholder imaginations..


08/25/15 7:42 PM

#232101 RE: RRdog #232099

I have four accounts with shares. Your POST has merit.


08/25/15 7:46 PM

#232103 RE: RRdog #232099

thank you RRDog. Right on all counts.


08/25/15 7:53 PM

#232104 RE: RRdog #232099

I agree with you, RRdog. Thanks for taking the time to explain this.......:)


08/25/15 7:54 PM

#232105 RE: RRdog #232099

Dog I must say that your post will probably turn many heads ....

I also believe that many will see your valid and constructive points. For myself I will vote NO and one saving grace is that management will consider the strong arm of US Longs .. The opportunity will come to revisit this on that 125k stipend fee.

Please post more often and thanks for your sharing of straight points.

I'm sure you'll see well over 20 responses to your post and I do hope more read it



08/25/15 7:58 PM

#232107 RE: RRdog #232099

Thank you rrdog. You have reaffirmed my conviction to vote NO.


08/25/15 8:06 PM

#232108 RE: RRdog #232099

Thanks Dog- gonna hold out and see about a shareholder letter or additional info Re: next CC. If nothing changes particularly regarding further transparency regarding these shares then I must take management at their word. They will continue to sell ATM shares to fund expanded trials.

Again, not on my dime without a fight and/or cut in managment compensation package. I won't hold my breathe. Thus, if nothing changes I vote NO as well.


08/25/15 8:10 PM

#232109 RE: RRdog #232099

Excellent post. Thank you much.


08/25/15 8:12 PM

#232110 RE: RRdog #232099



08/25/15 8:23 PM

#232112 RE: RRdog #232099

Excellent well thought out post RR - A no from me too!

Robert C Jonson

08/25/15 8:26 PM

#232113 RE: RRdog #232099

RRdog, yours is a good explanation and it has me rethinking my position of voting yes. I still intend to delay my vote, possibly until the ASM, if I decide to attend, to see what develops in the interim. I hope others such as CP and MH will provide their comments on your post, as I believe continued discussion of this issue would be fruitful.



08/25/15 8:27 PM

#232114 RE: RRdog #232099

Just wanted voice my support for everything you wrote. Well articulated and thought out.



08/25/15 8:28 PM

#232115 RE: RRdog #232099

RRdog...I'm glad I swayed you....

I jest...

Great points and a brilliant presentation of how and why WE now have a chance to HELP Peregrine...I will equate voting yes to Prop3 to a family member enabling a troubled member of their family.

We love you Peregrine, this your intervention.

You need to get off the ATM...


Robert C Jonson

08/25/15 8:32 PM

#232117 RE: RRdog #232099

I like that you point out that approval of the additional shares is final, but a disapproval is not. That is a powerful argument for getting either an expanded explanation of why these shares are needed or why such an explanation can't be given (or given at this time).



08/25/15 9:10 PM

#232120 RE: RRdog #232099

Thank you!!

I agree with you 1000%, and have made many of those points myself.
Strongest reasons below, but they're all good reasons of course.
This is a huge moment for the future of the company and more importantly whether shareholder value can be a reality or just something that's talked about for more years.

RE "1. This is your moment as shareholders. Through arcane Delaware law PPHM has blocked shareholders from voting opinions on almost all other issues including composition of the board. Once, every couple of years, shareholders are dealt a "strong hand" and it has to do with the share cap authorization. Shareholders should realize this is a multi-handed poker game. BP has a hand, mgmt and BOD have a hand and in this one instance shareholders have a hand. MGMT IS NOW TRYING TO TAKE AWAY THE ONE CHANCE SHAREHOLDERS HAVE TO ASSERT AN OPINION BY CHANGING THE VOTE TO 'ROUTINE'. Remember, shareholders are more than deserving of a strong voice in corporate affairs since by and large they are financing the whole operation..

5. If shareholders authorize this increase it is "final". If shareholders vote "no" it is only a DEFERRAL and can be voted on again at any time for de minimus cost if there is a specific good reason to increase. A " yes" vote now takes away all shareholder voice, leverage, flexibility. Why would a shareholder do that to themselves. This is negotiation 101--it is really obvious.

8. A "no" vote now (which can be altered later if for good cause) sends a powerful anti dilutive message to Wall Street which (along with some good PR in the pipeline) may actually cause the price to rise. Imagine, shareholders have a real chance to positively affect the price and get higher prices for already registered shares and pref shares. Isn't that a better alternative than constantly complaining on this board about every penny down??!!!!!"

POWER to the people!


08/25/15 9:34 PM

#232126 RE: RRdog #232099

Excellent post.
Many on this board have pointed that management is to blame for the miserable pps. How can you have small biotechs in phase II with a much less valuable pipeline cutting multi-billion dollars deals and have a much higher market cap that PPHM and not blame management at the same time?

Yes management should get praised for salvaging the botched phase II trial, the two recent collaborations that add much validation to Bavi, a phase III trial out of botched trial, AVID and the patents. But it all happened without any pps appreciation for which management is to blame. Management has scared off many would be investors and ticked off many shareholders some of which have been invested and investing for more than ten years. with a much less valuable pipeline


08/25/15 9:54 PM

#232130 RE: RRdog #232099

Thank you RRDOG I am in contact with share holders totaling 20M approx. I will report back after consulting tomorrow with all parties, as of tonight "I with my 400k shares" have been swayed to vote NO. I'll report back tomorrow night.


08/25/15 9:57 PM

#232131 RE: RRdog #232099

You're barking' up the right tree, RRDog!

Thanks for your post.
I'm voting 'no,' as I have for the past 15 years, to bigger 'shelves' - and to the re-appointment of ALL board members.

Up 'til now, have done it for the instant gratification, and to thank the BOD for their disdain of retail shareholders.

Perhaps this year, there's more than instant gratification at stake.


08/26/15 2:27 AM

#232144 RE: RRdog #232099

RRdog, thanks for your well reasoned post... Shareholders deserve fair explanations from the BoD


08/26/15 6:02 AM

#232147 RE: RRdog #232099

A no vote from me and hope to meet you at ASM this year.


08/26/15 7:27 AM

#232158 RE: RRdog #232099

RRDog, I kept your master peace of a post as the last to reply to. For clarity 100%. For argumentation 100%.

1) Your MOST convincing argument that might, possibly even will, have me following your NO advice is that as you write: A new vote can be organized at a VERY low price if BoD/management provides a GOOD reason for the increase. I NEVER considered that possibility and I hope you understand now why it is important that posters like you contribute here.

2) My biggest objection to NO was the possibility that we would be crossing well set-up plans of BoD/Management for things that are going on. But since management did NOT provide any clear explanation for which NONE GENERIC reason they need this shelf we cannot judge. I therefore would NEVER vote BEFORE next Quarterly/CC anyway, given BoD/Management the opportunity to explain. However, with your argument in #1 above, the fear of crossing a good BoD plan is gone. You actually brought up the 100% solution to this.

3) Your 10 cent example gives me the chills! Maybe some limit must be specified under which NO MORE PPHM shares may be issued. However that would create a vulnerability, certainly as we see the share price is kept under artificial and well engineered pressure.

So, I will vote conditionally NO. If management does NOT give any explanation as to this shelf and doesn't do it at the NEXT QUARTERLY (because if they can delay it till just before the annual we shareholders are loosing time in organizing ourselves) and do it in SUCH a way that we will NOT depend on their goodwill for the execution.

I hate the DIOS and Statson stuff because it is to long ago to keep repeating but in this instance I want to remember it and keep in mind that in those instances we were made believe in A (not by telling us but by our assumptions of logical proceedings of such deals) and finally B happened because for some reason those logical proceedings didn't take place. So we cannot blame BoD but I learned from it we need to force them in expressing clearly why they want this increase and not let us ASSUME why because they can ALWAYS say they NEVER said anything.

So now I want to avoid that BoD tells us they need the shelf for A and then on the road use it for B leaving shareholders powerless at the sidelines forcing them in class actions to get their rights.

So the brochure will have to say WHY this increase will be used and exclude every other use, at least for the biggest part of the shelf (I could live with a smaller amount increase if justified - say 25-50milj). And it must be written in such a way that if the BoD uses it for ANY OTHER reason that we did not agree upon by the vote they can easily be found guilty, even in DELAWARE, and ACCEPT the exception of the PPHM bylaws that put them out of harm for personal prosecution if they infringe this.

WITHOUT that LAST guarantee of their COMMON PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in case of infringement (which is a reasonable request to BoD members that have no intention to infringe anything) this shelf increase vote is WORTHLESS because they could just do something else and get away with it anyway. I wonder if these changes protecting BoD/management have been made in relation to the 'to me' surprising sentences in the brochure saying they do NOT expect many broker non-votes which if in error may set many shareholders on the wrong foot.

If BoD does NOT accommodate to us, and after reading your superb post, I'll vote NO and swing many million of votes to NO in the process.

I think RRDog this post of yours is going to be remembered for very long. If ALL together we manage to win this battle i wonder if we should sponsor a RRDog statue for the city of Tustin :)


08/26/15 8:19 AM

#232166 RE: RRdog #232099

thanks... what recommendations would you give the company as to creating value or having the market recognize value of pipeline and IP? Will it take a money partnership? How do they get the word out? and is the current BOD a hindrance to institutional investment? If they are going to fix things (assuming they have a desire), fix all the things that need to be fixed while shareholder leverage is available.


08/26/15 10:28 AM

#232226 RE: RRdog #232099

BRAVO numero uno my black tea drinking circle of friends will support your way of thoughts


08/26/15 8:08 PM

#232377 RE: RRdog #232099

Thanks for the post RRdog

Good post with a great response! I'm in control of 9 accounts
within "my family" :) NO votes across the board unless things
change. I will be able to persuade 3 other accounts.