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08/25/15 7:19 PM

#120047 RE: BobbyKIrk #120044

I appreciate that you're eager to see results. I am too. But, really, biotech investments are notoriously very long plays. Can easily take 10 years before you get to a good exit point. Some might be lucky and catch a good company right before it takes off but I'd consider that to be very rare and more like winning the lottery. I've held one of my other companies for 12 years now and I've never been happier. Still buying that one too. That's why biotechs can be so painful to invest in if your timeframe is only a year or maybe two. I'd say that the very minimum is 3-5 years unless you're a gambler who are looking for 20-50 % ROI which is not why I am here. Furthermore, CTIX is not a slow company. Most companies spend 10-12 years advancing a drug from pre-clinical through and NDA and 9/10 fail. B is advancing very fast and K might seem slow but oncology is a slow game. But the reward is high.
I'm fairly young so I don't mind waiting some more years. Most of the money is intended for my children anyway. Never walk away from a winner. Either you or someone you love will profit from your investment when the day comes. GL.


08/25/15 7:50 PM

#120049 RE: BobbyKIrk #120044

The problem starts with your first four words. You may think that you do that, you don't.