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08/25/15 3:08 PM

#237090 RE: SilverSurfer #237088

take it to someone who cares and would be dumb enough to give you more than 10 seconds.
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08/25/15 3:56 PM

#237102 RE: SilverSurfer #237088

In fact, Clinton appears to have violated five different federal laws and, if charged and convicted on all potential counts, could conceivably be sentenced to upwards of 32 years in prison.

ROTFL!!!!! Don't you worry your pretty little head about Hillary. She's doing just fine and won't be going to prison. You should be worried about the popcorn moment food fight taking place between your front-runner, Trump, and GOP TV, FOX!!!!

Right Wing Meltdown: Fox News Goes To War With Donald Trump Over Megyn Kelly

The truce between Donald Trump and Fox News has fallen apart as Trump resumed his attack on Megyn Kelly and Fox News has all but declared war on Trump.

After Kelly returned from vacation and criticized his immigration plan, Trump tweeted:

I liked The Kelly File much better without @megynkelly. Perhaps she could take another eleven day unscheduled vacation!

.@megynkelly must have had a terrible vacation, she is really off her game. Was afraid to confront Dr. Cornel West. No clue on immigration!

"@ColeHudson68: @megynkelly @FoxNews @theBlaze @greta @OreillyFactor Megyn needs to go back on vacation. What a waste of an hour on Fox."

"@mstanish53: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly The bimbo back in town . I hope not for long ."

"@bigpaulfla: @realDonaldTrump She has come back looking like Nancy Grace"

Fox News hosts meekly tried to defend Kelly without insulting Trump:

It's been 19 days since the debate- @realDonaldTrump has made his feelings clear. But THIS needs to stop … #let-it-go

Trump Trolls 'Terrible' Megyn Kelly Again, RT's Someone Calling Her a Bimbo Remember how Donald Trump attacked Megyn Kelly because she dared to ask him tough questions and how tiring it was? Well, he's at it again!

My friend @realDonaldTrump has captured the imagination of many. Focus on Hillary, Putin, border, jobs, Iran China & leave @megynkelly alone

i like @realDonaldTrump but his personal & professional attacks on @megynkelly r unwarranted-unacceptable- has 2 stop- @foxandfriends

There isn’t a single strong defense of Kelly in any of her colleagues’ tweets, and notice that none of them would stand up for Kelly by refusing to have Trump on their shows.

The biggest sign that the war between Trump and Fox was back on came from Fox News boss Roger Ailes.

In a statement, Ailes said:

Donald Trump’s surprise and unprovoked attack on Megyn Kelly during her show last night is as unacceptable as it is disturbing. Megyn Kelly represents the very best of American journalism and all of us at FOX News Channel reject the crude and irresponsible attempts to suggest otherwise. I could not be more proud of Megyn for her professionalism and class in the face of all of Mr. Trump’s verbal assaults. Her questioning of Mr. Trump at the debate was tough but fair, and I fully support her as she continues to ask the probing and challenging questions that all presidential candidates may find difficult to answer. Donald Trump rarely apologizes, although in this case, he should. We have never been deterred by politicians or anyone else attacking us for doing our job, much less allowed ourselves to be bullied by anyone and we’re certainly not going to start now. All of our journalists will continue to report in the fair and balanced way that has made FOX News Channel the number one news network in the industry.

Notice how Ailes tried to play the Fox News is the victim card by labeling Trump a bully? Ailes ignored the fact that he created Donald Trump as a political figure by giving Trump and his birther attacks against President Obama a platform.

Ailes’ defense of Kelly was stronger, but if Fox News really wanted to teach Trump a lesson, they would stop covering him. The problem is that loads of Republican voters have taken Trump’s side in the Kelly war, because if there is one thing that makes Republicans feel strong it is misogyny.

Fox needs Trump. He is the Republican frontrunner, and he does deliver ratings for them.

The Republican Party and right are in the middle of a full-scale meltdown that is being caused by Donald Trump. Fox News and Trump are at war in a battle that threatens to wreck conservative media and shatter the Republican Party.

While the media battles on about Clinton’s emails, the right is coming apart at the seams before our very eyes.

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08/28/15 10:20 AM

#237193 RE: SilverSurfer #237088

I really don't know what the heck she was thinking.

Hillary Clinton’s Handling of Email Issue Frustrates Democratic Leaders


Concerns are growing that Hillary Rodham Clinton is not treating the matter seriously, or doing enough to put it to rest before it harms her 2016 run and other Democrats’ campaigns.

The stupidity of running her own server in her home is beyond belief. Especially thinking back when people were running those spoofs of her on her cellphone. Geesh!