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08/25/15 11:57 AM

#232028 RE: masshysteria #232023

Peregrine is truly in the catbird seat with Yervoy/Bavituximab data maturing daily, things are going to get interesting far sooner then folks realize. We won't be waiting for "multiple solid tumor" data on the Astra Zenica PDL1/Bavituximab phase 1 trials before we see a bidding war start behind closed doors.

Stock price will start to run when we least expect it any day now imo.


08/25/15 12:11 PM

#232030 RE: masshysteria #232023

Agreed. They've not been treated well in the past and they haven't forgotten that. They'll run the trial themselves, need the money from the new shares to do that, and they will be confident in the results due to various protective measures they'll put into place based on past experience of being burned.