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janice shell

08/23/15 2:10 PM

#15604 RE: Mistral #15595

Do you believe the takeover is being done by the entities you mention and that Christopher Grimaces will lead ELGL?

I find Grivakes's involvement in this story puzzling. He is, after all, a name partner in a law firm, and though he has other business interests, I doubt he'll give that up. Perhaps he's simply serving as an interim officer until others can be named.

It's beyond me why he'd want to be involved with Ferguson and Feldbush. The Swedes are an unknown factor, but they're tight with Feldbush, so…

But lawyers work for a fee, so perhaps he's there simply because they hired him. He's certainly no stranger to problematic penny mining companies. After all, he represented Copper King in its bankruptcy proceeding, and eventually arranged its sale to CS Mining. Copper King was a very high-profile scam. It and a number of people associated with it were sued by the SEC; some of those people were prosecuted in Utah. It was also a Utah political scandal.

Copper King's assets did have value, though not as much as had been claimed by the people behind the scam. That was no help to investors in the stock, however.