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08/23/15 1:36 AM

#321386 RE: theiceman13 #321383

"his brother said he has read 47 books in the can"

Did he take those 60,000 NP-1s with him?

Will the AS never go over a Billy? Can we mark that?

Is he never going to prison? Can we mark that too?

Is the PPS never going below a dime ... err... 8 cents ... errr... 7 cents... Can we mark that?

And comic books are nott real books. So the prison's Admissions and Orientation (A&O) Handbook, the Commissary List, and 45 Archie comic books does nott really mean 47 books.

Recall DaDavey™ is a psychopathic liar. So there is that.

One of the books DaDavey™ has read on pennyscam 'business methods' aka legal larceny.