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08/22/15 7:40 AM

#4806 RE: LouisDesyjr #4803

hahahahahaha What an ......cojones to think someone would believe any word of yours in those Posts of yours brother Louise.You are Either A good Believer in the Fairytales to think that anyone would read anything True on your Posts or you are trying to scare anyone willing to buy ore ANV Shares.The only thing True and of course Real is that the Equity is DONE and GONE and have been Sold to your Bosses.Praying that the Add Hoc makes some Changes on the actual case and Bring some changes through the Request for an examiner so we can show how far from the Reality you and Your Cojones are trying to brng the Potential Buyers from the Truth.The ANV have registerd ZERO-ZILCH-NADA Losses on their Books but fictive numbers to the Judge.The Equity is worth it at least 500M$ as with the Gold Share price Rise the Valuation of the Gold on the ground goes to the same levels as last year and the Silver have to be counted for too there as a Value but you as your Bosses are very good in trying to steal whats ours with the Implanted BOD ,Bought out Equity Committee and the JPM Chase as a Back door Capital pusher.All I can say that the Insider Trading are going to be pushed to the throwt of the Hedgies Bosses and are going to be followed up from the FBI as I and my friends have already set Contacts with the FBI and DOJ on this matters and they are taking it very seriously those Charges.Who knows maybe we might read someones posters Name here too over those Bulletins.Everything is on the table brother Louise and Jail isnt gone from there too.We are fighting to make the Hedge Bosses Happy too.By the Way the Share price to be Aquired from the table and Maybe to be Agreed from the Add Hoc is 0.80$ for share and still on the table till the Insider Trading Claims we have for the BOD and Debtors in Posession certain Hedge Funds arent found to be Colorable CLaims so easy to be Verified from the Trading activies of theirs, if not than ups some Peope should go to jail and leave all their Profits BEHIND made in here for us the Shareholders.They either Share and Agree with us or else Bubba is ready waiting in jail for their pleasure.