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08/22/15 5:53 AM

#4814 RE: terry hallinan #4813

Science is proving that if enough conscious minds believe in something in spirit, 14% of the data, shows something, faint; a few photons large, is actually there. See, experiment with daughter and father in separate rooms visualizing the watch on daughters arm and telling where the dials where randomly set to a fixed time. I believe a social phenomena is occuring when the whole concept of "insider information" and "secret" and "hush" come into play. Call it "Remote VIewing" or "Basic Algegra" there is a finite and fixed amount of matter and energy with an equally finite end of thoughts and ideas; somewhere. So, if N+P=X,Y, Z in a 3d universe, everything has to add up with no missing pieces at all times in all ways, just on different planes. Forget the funding, that isn't real, what we need is plane old Hillary Clinton back yard corn on the cob hard working Pennsylvania Coal miner sweat on the brown boots on the ground shovel ready bull shit, once you have a bits of coffee grounds on the lip of the cup, shucks; this tea will boil.

Remember, it's all a whiz, a fugazi, it's another "idea". But in the end, it's not, because the idea of something unreal is actually real, and Orson Wells still has people going on and on that something real happened at Gover's Millls Pond. What if Aliens didn't exist, but when we started thinking about them so much on our minds, what was in spirit manifests itself into flesh.