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08/21/15 3:46 PM

#50205 RE: Inorout #50194

LOL...sure they'll be retiring them. Right about the time BLTA retires theirs. This is the beginning of a new fleet and this first plane is only being used to begin operations.

The current plane (same model that the president flies in BTW) just cleared it's heavy check and is approved as airworthy for the next several years. With the minimal leverage on this company they will have no problem making profits off of it. They have exclusive rights to this route. Look it up.

That said, how many planes do you think they will have in 3 - 5 years? At that time BLTA will likely consider retiring this famous workhorse as well.


08/21/15 3:53 PM

#50207 RE: Inorout #50194

That is likely because of fuel being more than $100 per barrel and now it's around $40 or $50.

The price of fuel now is worth it and BLTA is in a perfect position to watch as prices get better and then lock in a price with a hedge.

They need the biggest jumbo jet with comfort because there is a huge market for the 8 hour flight.

Don't compare apples to oranges. Just because the bigger airlines have much debt and many derivatives doesn't mean BLTA is in a debt spiral.

BLTA has hardly any debt and one plane and that one plane can make revenues. They are actually lucky.


08/21/15 6:27 PM

#50218 RE: Inorout #50194

That's public knowledge. Phased out by 2017. That's a lot of flight hours. By then Baltia will have it's rooster on the tale of a 787.

old and wise

08/21/15 6:57 PM

#50220 RE: Inorout #50194

It sounds like you have extensive experience in the field of aviation and in the world of business so I have carefully given your comments a great deal of thought. My experience is somewhat limited with only 55 years as a very successful stock investor , 35 years in the aircraft/spacecraft engineering management field, 27 years flying private airplanes and have personally made a great deal of money investing in somewhat risky aviation and airline stocks. Baltia's business plan is unlike anything that you suggest in your post. Do you actually know for a fact that all future aircraft that Baltia plans to purchase will be 747s? Baltia needs a flying airplane of any kind that could make international flights in order to become certified. This airplane does the job at a reasonable cost. Once they are the new international airline they will build their fleet with the best aircraft suited to fill the bill and bring in continued high profits. I have found that Baltia's management team is first class, bar non.
Those who find fault with Baltia's business plan stand and watch as we true long-term investors reap the rewards of our harvest.
May you have good luck with my best wishes in wherever stocks you choose to invest.
GOD bless you,


08/21/15 7:34 PM

#50221 RE: Inorout #50194

You and your buddy are not well informed.

Baltia's non stop exclusive route cuts several hours of flight time off the trip. The plane may not be as efficient but reducing several hours of travel saves huge money.


08/22/15 3:01 AM

#50233 RE: Inorout #50194

I talked to a buddy of mine, he really likes baltia's business as do I. They are starting out with one gorgeous and I truly mean gorgeous 747 (they own fully) one of our big shareholders bought the spirit of Kathleen for us.

They will be operating once a week to start out and gradually move to three times a week to 5. The plane will fit about 300 passengers last I knew, originally it was 495 but the plane I believe was re done some for more cargo space. Which brings me to cargo they will be carrying a lot of cargo. Pay Per pound up to maybe 60,000 pounds it could be lower or higher. Also they will carry mail as well I'm not sure on the figures there. The general service administration created an act. It's called the Fly America Act. This forces any government officials, and schools to use baltia because they will fly under the American flagship.

Let's see what else does baltia have going for themselves besides john drago who believes baltia will fly because I'm sure he's got over a billion shares by now. His share total only goes up not down.

Baltia will offer a service unseen in many years for the aviation field.

Baltia will offer a non stop flight to the 4th largest city in Europe. 7.5 hours there and 8.5 hours back or vice versa depends on wind I suppose. Currently to get to this destination it would take 14 to 18hrs. Well if I wanted to get to A to B. One airline offered non stop to A to B. And another airline offered a to c to B in double the time. What would you do? That's 8 extra hours in St Petersburg and 8 extra hours state side.

They are starting with one plane as we all know. But, much like another airline we will be very frugal and SAVE MONEY. And immediately add planes I believe the goal is 3 or 4 a year in I'm not totally sure to be quite honest with you it may be 5! This will boost the share holders equity immensely.

Baltia airlines has very limited debt. This alone is huge for me. I looked up back 6-8 months ago what other airlines balance sheets looked like just to get a crystal ball image of the future of baltia's sheet when we're operational.

What I saw had me scratch my head so I called an old acquaintance that I met through baltia. And said I'm looking at other airlines balance sheets and they make 300 million but are in debt over a billion. He said that's the beauty of baltia no debt.

There's just so much that will go right for baltia. It's hard to pass up a piece of aviation history.

There's more info out there too I just forgot some. I don't have to remind myself everyday what a good investment this company is for just s fraction of a penny.

Baltia will fly
Non stop
Across the Atlantic
From jfk
To st Petersburg
