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terry hallinan

11/02/15 12:18 PM

#110 RE: Im_all_in2 #109

UK-Iceland Energy Task Force to establish feasibility of geothermal power interconnector

Ross Beaty is a very sharp trader and businessman. Since he was also educated as a geologist, I expected Ross was the ideal fellow to make it big in geothermal. His first big blunder was trying to buy into Iceland's geothermal power on the cheap. Ross was messing with the national religion.

Bad, bad mistakes to date but could work out over time. I am far from a fan of sometime (intermittent) energy but it does get lots of handouts. I am a fan of run-of-river power that has some features of baseload power.

The above link shows the idiocy of relying on wind power. England has no shortage of geothermal resources if it would just develop them instead of getting becalmed by wind.

All JMO.

Best, Terry