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08/21/15 1:51 PM

#76678 RE: goldbergstein #76671

Iron Whey doesn't come in a 2.4 pound tub. It comes in 2 pounds, 5 pounds and the (seemingly Walmart exclusive) 1.5 pounds. The price of a 1.5 pound tub on (incidentally, the only Iron Whey product on the site actually sold and shipped directly by Walmart) is... you guessed it... $21.97. If this was a 2.4 pound tub (let's assume you meant the 2 pound tub that actually exists), and it was marked down over 50% as you suggest, why is there no sale sign?

You'll note I didn't say MusclePharm is making money on this. I said a sports nutrition company should be able to make money on this. With their bloated cost structure, I wouldn't be surprised if the margin MusclePharm is making is being swallowed whole by their insane SG&A costs.

In case you're worried I'm a blind fan-boy, I don't actually own any MSLP. It's a company I'm keeping an eye on, because, as I believe even you would agree, the value of the company's assets is not reflected in the current share price.