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08/20/15 10:48 PM

#237008 RE: arizona1 #237007

Pew analysis: Iowa ranked 35th for job growth in 2014

Mickelson oughta stick to urging Branstad to concentrate on job creation period.

By Matthew Patane 9:22 a.m. CST January 7, 2014

(Photo: DesMoines)

Iowa ranks 35th in the nation for job creation in 2014, according to a Pew Stateline analysis.

The analysis was completed by Moody Analytics for Pew. It estimates that Iowa will see a job growth rate of about 1.4 percent and an addition of more than 21,000 jobs in the year to come.

North Dakota took the top spot for 2014 job growth, with an estimated 3.6 percent growth rate and an addition of 15,900 jobs. Washington D.C. ranked last with a .75 percent growth rate and an estimated 5,528 additional jobs.

Of Iowa's neighboring states, Minnesota, which ranked 12th, had the highest growth expected growth rate at 1.85 percent. Illinois, ranked 50th, had the lowest at .95 percent.

The full interactive map can be seen here .. .


08/21/15 10:16 AM

#237011 RE: arizona1 #237007

Why not ride the wave of conservative stupidity and make a buck doing so, like Donald Trump is doing?


08/25/15 6:02 PM

#237118 RE: arizona1 #237007

Radio Host Jan Mickelson: Enslave Undocumented Immigrants

Published on Aug 21, 2015 by Mike Malloy [ / , ]

Iowa radio host and influential conservative kingmaker Jan Mickelson unveiled an immigration plan that would make undocumented immigrants who don't leave the country after an allotted time "property of the state," asking, "What's wrong with slavery?" when a caller criticized his plan.

On the August 17 edition of his radio show, Mickelson announced that he had a plan to drive undocumented immigrants out of Iowa that involved making those who don't leave "property of the state" who are forced into "compelled labor," like building a wall on the US-Mexican border.

Full story: [with comments]


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