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08/21/15 3:07 PM

#36888 RE: massprof #36866


Please take a look at the B6Sigma patent. It does not specifically say infrared pulse thermography; however, it covers thermal, pulse waveform and infrared. We know that GE signs the JTDA with Sigma labs
"Today, post-build inspection procedures account for as much as 25 percent of the time required to produce an additively manufactured engine component," said Greg Morris, GE Aviation's business development leader for additive manufacturing. "By conducting those inspection procedures while the component is being built, GE Aviation and Sigma labs will expedite production rates for GE's additive manufactured engine components like the LEAP fuel nozzle."

Greg Morris says SGLB will expediate as opposed to might, could, should, or maybe. We know that Greg Morris was working with SGLB when he ran Morris Technologies and that he renewed the agreement after GE brought out his company. This is indicative of history between the two companies and that will statement alone is what is it. I'm bascially making a very educated guess that this infrared pulse thermography that the GE intern worked with is quite possible some form or fashion of B6Sigma's patent. We know that PrintRite3D is a fast affordable way to validate 3D parts as indicated by Honeywell and DARPA via their rapid qualification project which matches what the intern said as well "It is a fast, affordable and accurate method of evaluation"

I asked the board once before if anyone could find any GE agreements with another company that's provided NDE and I've yet to see an response. Please let me know if GE has signed any agreements with another AM NDE company and then I will not give much weight to that GE intern working on a real time NDE product which appears to reference our patent.