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10 bagger

06/18/06 11:01 AM

#3200 RE: Dr Bill #3199


It appears that there finnaly has come to light some truth of ommission.. It appears the reason for never a follow up on any GFCI release was because there never was anything to say,,, report on or report to shareholders about the operations of GFCI..

The tools,,Contracts,,, and the contacts of GFCI are more than suspect now that after 15 months... Almost 3000 postings,, over 25 press releases and 1,600,000 shares given by third partys for the hype of simular press releases have happened... The game is now in the ninth inning.. The results will come soon and we will all see the results of this GFCI saga... One thing that gives us the clue as to it's outcome is the utilization rate of less than 5% on all tools made.. One come back could be that they have over 6000 tools in inventory but the 50 jet motors are all rented.. It will not work as there is now dispair among the longs.. This is a shame as they seem to be loosing.. Thier head Cheerkeader has come clean and the Los Vegus party for the lons will be a linching... Blue I am happy to see you back as it appears the last 20 post of which you were a part,, gave us more information than the 2800 which proceeded them.. Happy Father's Day to all.... hank

The one statement from BBB that let the gennie out of the bottle... And destroyed the hopes of all the longs....What makes this statement more true than any made before.. This is post Number 3200...??

10 Bagger: You're unbelievable!

"You have a compelling tendency to dig up the past and throw it back in the face of people -- much like a woman! When I made my projections of $20 in two years, I was then working under the assumption that CTT's tool utilization rates were 33%. Obviously, that is NOT the case. CTT is currently on pace to achieve between 2% and 5% of all currently available toolsets -- let's just make it a 3.3% utilization on average in order to simplify things. With these rates, CTT can only achieve about 1/10 of what I had previously projected, so it may conservatively achieve about $2.00 per share in 2 years, but then again what do you care? You'll just keep spitting back up that XOM refuse and my previous projections as if it were something by which you desire to humor us. Well, humor your own self, because I'm being serious." BBB

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06/18/06 9:41 PM

#3215 RE: Dr Bill #3199

Bill: My, are we mad?

So how many shares do you in fact own? That can be the only thing to explain your corrosive rant. For your information, I don't have to answer to you, unless of course, you happen to own shares of GFCI. But for the sake of others that I do happen to respect infinitely more, I have suspected it since the May 16 projections, and have accepted it as quite likely for about 5 days.

For the record, "on pace" actually means it is exactly where Swinford targetted his projections. In fact, he may even be able to achieve about 3x his stated projections by the end of the year. Currently, overall utilization rates for CTBG are more like 7%, NOT the 2% you so PROUDLY profess! I do wonder what purpose you serve, as you seem to so gleefully chant the error in what I was only repeating for the benefit of others.

By the way, also for the record, I have only been involved in GFCI since late June of last year. Thus, I haven't even been into GFCI for a year, yet. In fact, to be far more accurate, I've been into GFCI for but only 11 1/2 months. The highest point at which I ever bought was $0.45 per share. Right now, I believe it to be worth an easy 3-bagger, or maybe even one really challenging 4-bagger. Time will tell!
