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08/19/15 10:25 PM

#36836 RE: Pasta #36835

Cool Brother. We need contrarians here. Sharing our separate perspectives on this board kind of fills that Bill. You and I are contrary. Old joke about knowing what we are worth on the street and just haggling over the price.
May we stay, forever Young.
Low volume retail today. DTCC matched up with 70% of our retail sales. So we are highly speculative. Shares available over on Interactive Brockers down to 40k on my check. Changes regularly but seems to be swinging.
We're being gamed again PASTA. For what. Wild trading yesterday to wind up where we started out at, and we had real positive news on the opening.
No action other than the short trades today. Short straddle or strangle. Tired of eating these bowls of ____. But I hold so I can talk to good guys like you.
God Bless


08/20/15 8:36 AM

#36837 RE: Pasta #36835

in my opinion, the product is not great, it is great science for sure but in terms of commercial product it is fundamentally limited, it is a niche product, it can never be applied to protecting supply chain or any monitoring activity that involves millions of parts, I don't believe for a second that this product can help stopping counterfeiting in any retail industry in any meaningful way, what the DLA was trying was really a gimmick and eventually they realize that...

Niche market for this DNA marking/authentication technology primarily is law enforcement, perhaps high end art, basically you have to find a market where authentication of marked parts is rarely required then this technology can be powerful tool for post factum analysis, but not real time monitoring

That said this company still should be able to make a lot more money than just 6M-8M per year, and maybe it makes sense to invest at this price levels, but I bailed out because I agree with you, the shareholders are afterthought for this company, as they start making more money insiders will be first in line to get all the benefits, you will see higher salaries, higher bonuses, more employees, more stock options, etc... you can't fight it, the only thing you can do is vote with your feet


08/20/15 9:24 AM

#36838 RE: Pasta #36835

Nothing is gonna happen until they start making more money. Where do you think shareholder value comes from? Even if the execs went $100k salaries that would barely budge the stock price. What we need is more contracts, more sales, more income. When that starts happening, and that train has started its path, things will start to change. The market obviously likes our last set of results. If we can keep that up, things will be greatly different in a few years.