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08/19/15 9:20 AM

#194475 RE: DewDiligence #194474


The price paid for the voucher implies a fairly high sales figure for the drug, arguably in a competitive market.


08/19/15 9:56 AM

#194478 RE: DewDiligence #194474


- ENTA's management has misled its shareholders claiming " a double digit" royalties on V-Pak sale. In reality, ENTA gets 3-5% royalty on V-Pak sale.
- ENTA's management is doing nothing to get a better deal for its shareholders on its future HCV products sale.
- And now, ENTA's management is busy keeping their offices.

A 3-5% royalty range is usually for potential drug candidates licensed before availability of any clinical trials.

If ENTA's management will try to do any "under table" deals, I will be more than glad to participate in legal actions against them.


08/19/15 10:19 AM

#194479 RE: DewDiligence #194474

my guess is that it will be
for me enta right now is far more about abt-493 and how the competition fares than v-pak
I think the only thing that can dampen what should be a good AASLD for ENTA is GILD if they come in with strong 6 week data with their 3DAA. weaker than expected GT3 data from their new 2DAA would also be a plus for ENTA if their GT3 is strong