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08/18/15 3:41 PM

#620 RE: Arizzle #619

I've refrained from commenting due to not wanting to sound like I am talking down to fellow investors or attempting to act as I know it all but, you obviously don't understand the price of oil and its direct reflection upon stock price of this particular hold.

Oil (WTI mainly) has a turnaround time of close to a month. That is saying that oil barreled today has close to a 30 day pipeline of which it must travel before it is made available to the consumer market. This pipeline can sometimes be much much longer depending the over or under abundance of crude currently held in reserve. That being said, the oil that is pumped today, at this particular price, will not be reflected directly into the price of the companies doing the pumping for some time. If you are trying to base this companies stock price as a direct reflection of oil you are playing a guessing game. Yes, this particular company and ones like it, EXX*, H* and others, are absolutely influenced directly by the price of WTI/crude. But that is certainly not the only factor influencing what we are currently seeing today on the ticker.

Just my little tid bit for today. Btw.. I have been in and out of GDP now for well over 2 years. This company will surprise you when it's least expected. This company has recently liquidated many assets attempting to survive the current downtrend however the company still has plenty of assets remaining and leveraged well through 2016. If, and that's a bit "if", GDP can hold strong until we have a reversal in current oil prices then there will be plenty of benefits to reap as investors. However, oil price is controlled by much larger hands than we are willing to admit and only when they decide it's time to drive the price back will the price run. IMO.

Hope this helped a little.