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Jimmy Joe

06/17/06 3:27 AM

#36482 RE: david02835 #36469

david I admit that I can be a knuckle dragging (snowboarding)
moron however I have this nasty habit of speaking my mind.

Never mean to go off half cocked but when folks not only question management's every move but then also try to do everything in their power to make PRs look like nothing happened I tend to get annoyed.

David I have seen all the proof that I need that makes me
believe this will be a nice stock to own later in life.
To those who want instant riches go buy a lotto ticket.
Somethings take time and in this sector things are slow to happen.

We are in on the ground floor. That is a good thing.
Hey Shirley Temple is not a bad kid either.

No apology needed. Drinks are on me next we meet. It is
very hard to keep emtions out of the mix when one has spent
hours researching and deciphering data. I try to stay as cool as
a cucumber. It does not work sometimes though.