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The winklebeery estate

08/15/15 2:17 AM

#17328 RE: reisnshine #17327

Well the last 5 years it likes to play in the .10s but would pop to .2 .4 and .8
More commonly .20s and .30s

A lot of people are gonna hold till .10
Imo but then loose out on the real pop that history shows can be pretty big from the charts

Smart strat Imo would be to hold 1.7 mill
700k for when .10 hits and 1 mill long to catch the bigger pop
At this price sub penny's it's not hard to get a position like that

I got in at .007 700k so I want to sell at point .005 to reposition myself even with taking a hit I could still get to s 1.2mill position if I could get in at .003 but I think it could go anytime now to
.010 than I would be completely screwed so I think holding till .10s come around and not being greedy is a good idea
But the way the pops happen it could just jump straight to .20 or .40 before I even go for the .10s
Though it likes to sit on .10s which I'm sure people can't resist from a sub penny position

I really don't know I mean .20 seems like a good point to wait for based on the charts and if luck has it it'll just spike to .40 and you won't have to worry about playing poker so much

This is all in my opinion and you should do your own DD and make your own strategy ..I'm not suggesting do what I say I can only state my opinion and the potential to loose your entire investment is always a real risk.

But to answer your question
I'm in for the long haul
The historic price chart says pops happen every year in the's there for everyone to see :) got to have discipline and tolerance for risk

How about you?

I can't send private messages by the way and I don't mind being transparent about my position here
It's a big market out there
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The winklebeery estate

08/15/15 2:18 AM

#17329 RE: reisnshine #17327

I would go 2 years for this beauty
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The winklebeery estate

08/15/15 2:34 AM

#17330 RE: reisnshine #17327

The funny thing is I could have gotten into PPC if I was crazy with 10k at .003
But you can see why I didn't ..the comp had been laced with scam labels so I decided not too then I seen it at .040 and I decided to get in just till .045 had no idea a crap scam comp could go to .130 to think if I were to have started at .003 $$

So I started looking for legit comps I could feel comfortable more so with starting a position at .000s and

aRYc has real products real revenues and an amazing historic price chart
So I really do feel good about it

It's just hard to think you can make 6 figures if you do this's unreal but real

I've seen this a few times
The first was PEIX which is a ethanol company and my friend told me about I never even knew about stocks
It traded at 2.25 or close 2.50
And if I would have put 20k into a position the following year it went to 22.00 I would have made a 170k in 6 months

So I learned you have to go big when it's scary too but go long as well and just wait.

There's so much more too trading but just giving you real examples that were right at my finger tips

I know buffet always says but when everyone else is too afraid to and find company's that are undervalued

Imo this is undervalued and my chance to hit what I've been missing because I sat on the sidelines