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06/16/06 6:28 PM

#257694 RE: happyboyrock #257628

Oh good. How's that going?
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06/16/06 7:03 PM

#257695 RE: happyboyrock #257628

" was in the US last 2 weeks trying to save our investment and get money for the salary owed."

This is suppose to be the basis for calling me a liar, or should I say "lier"? Then you seriously owe me an apology, because I would love to know how I was suppose to be aware Fan was back in the country??? The last he told me in his e-mail, he had moved his businesses to Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. Frontiers confirmed he was in Taiwan. Just because he snuck back in for two weeks, while he's still able to enter and leave the country, that makes me a liar???

I wish I had known he was here, I would have pushed our labor attorney to find some way to have him blocked from leaving the country again.

You are obviously part of Team-Fan and so I'll tell 'ya this - if Fan wants to clear his name, distance himself from Frank and stay out of jail, he's going to have to make good on the April payroll - with labor law mandated penalties - (which was his responsibility, not Frank's) and provide that "full forensic accounting" to show all of us how Frank misappropriated the money.

I have conceeded, and will continue to conceed, it is entirely possible Lloyd went into Q with the best of intentions and was not part of Team Olsen. Based on what I have seen thus far, I don't personally believe that, but I have to admit it is possible because we don't have all the answers yet. But leaving the country in anticipation of having criminal or civil action taken against him is just as much "fleeing" the country as it would be had he already been served/charged. An attorney friend told me yesterday that in the government's eyes, doing that has already made him look very guilty.

Anyway, you get a grasp on some of this before you DARE call me a liar again. I accept your sincere apology in advance.

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06/17/06 8:36 AM

#257726 RE: happyboyrock #257628

"NO.. all I'm saying is fan was in the US last 2 weeks trying to save our investment and get money for the salary owed."

Bull. Where would he get it? Pull it out of Frank's butt? What do you mean "save our investment?" Where did you hear this?

Anyone who thinks he's doing anything more than trying to retrieve his OWN money needs to rethink. Remember how Frank was so good at blowing smoke up everyone's butt, and how many of you believed it again and again and again and again. Now here you go getting Fan nominated for sainthood. WAKE UP!!!! How many times do you have to get run over by a train before you get off the tracks? Fan isn't doing anything for anyone but himself.

Read CFlynn's email again. Sounds like Fan's more interested in what people think about him than getting back salaries paid. Imagine the superiority complex that guy has, being "disappointed" in someone who was royally screwed out of money that they worked for. The nerve of them to tell the truth in a public forum and make Fan look bad. The guy is just as bad if not worse than Frank. At least Frank knew how to throw a party.

Fan is not some working guy with $20 bucks in his wallet living from paycheck to paycheck. If he had ANY honor, he'd pay, out of his pocket, salaries that were in arrears when he walked through the door. If he didn't bother to find any of this out when be bought into this fakakta mess, that's his problem.

QBID is gone, Frank is gone, Fan is gone.