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08/13/15 11:32 PM

#236786 RE: SilverSurfer #236780

Crazy fundies on parade!

Ted Cruz Openly Details Plan To Turn America Into Christian-Ruled Tyranny (VIDEO)

This is exactly why a conservative controlled government cannot be allowed to happen.

Conservative “Christians” haven’t been secretive about their effort to destroy democracy and our Constitution by replacing it with a theocracy ruled by Christianity and the Bible.

And Ted Cruz openly called upon evangelicals to help him do exactly that in 2016.

Cruz went to Mississippi to kiss the ring of American Family Association’s hate group leader Tim Wildmon and during the interview, Cruz told Wildmon that conservative “Christians” need to vote if they want someone in office who will destroy President Obama’s accomplishments and implement Christian dominion over the United States. Cruz also used non-believers as a scapegoat for all the nation’s problems:

“Nothing is more important in the next 18 months than that the body of Christ rise up and that Christians stand up, that pastors stand up and lead. In this last election, 54 million evangelical Christians stayed home … If we can simply bring Christians to the polls — is it any wonder we have the government we have, we have the leaders we have if believers stay home and leave electing our leaders to unbelievers. We get exactly what we deserve and nothing is more important than having people of faith stand up and just vote our values, vote biblical values and that’s how we turn the country around.”

Cruz then listed the five things he would do immediately upon being elected president. He would kill the diplomatic deal with Iran in favor of perpetual warfare in the Middle East. He would repeal every executive order President Obama has ever issued, thus rolling America back to irresponsible and dangerous Bush Administration rules. He would also fight fictional religious persecution, which is basically code for allowing conservatives to discriminate against women, gay people, atheists, Muslims, and anyone who is not white with impunity. Cruz also wants to move the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem because planting the American flag on the Holy Land and pissing off millions of Muslims is somehow a smart idea. And finally, he would go on a witch hunt against Planned Parenthood and seek criminal charges over heavily edited videos released by an anti-choice group.

Here’s the video via Right Wing Watch.

In short, Cruz would declare America a Christian nation and base all of our laws on the Bible or at least on the verses he cherry-picks. He would nix the Iran deal and escalate American involvement in the Middle East on behalf of right-wing Israelis who want us to fight and die while they watch from the sidelines. Here at home he would use Christianity to wage war on women and their health as well as give conservatives a green light to persecute anybody they want while using the Bible as a shield. Furthermore, he would allow conservatives to use religion to disobey any law they don’t agree with. Our Constitution and the secular way of life that the Founding Fathers worked so hard for would be shredded if Cruz has his way, which makes him one of the most dangerous threats facing this nation right now.

Our Constitution mandates that all religious beliefs are equal in the eyes of the law and are separate from the government that makes those laws. There’s a wall between church and state for a reason and it’s a cornerstone of a system that has been successful for over two centuries. But Cruz and many other Republicans in the presidential race would gleefully destroy that foundation and replace it with a religious tyranny. That cannot be allowed to happen.


08/14/15 12:20 AM

#236791 RE: SilverSurfer #236780

SilverSurfer -- not quite/entirely what I've ever said, either

my point is, and always has been, that government and the law, which just like all the rest in/comprising society in this (and any other) contemporary nation-state is what we make of it, is the one and the only both possible and necessary institution capable of balancing/taming concentrated wealth/power -- and that it indeed can, and should, do so without becoming either or both some economy-annihilating monster destroying the free market/free enterprise or any liberty-destroying legion of storms troopers crushing our necks and souls under its boots

making it so, making government and the law good, effective and efficient, is up to us, as it is to the people of any other nation-state -- we here actually have it pretty easy, what with our system with the rights we possess including but not limited to our right to vote in elections, and all; all we gotta do is pay some degree of attention to understand things and then get up off our butts and go vote for the candidates who make more sense to us given our understanding of things and our concerns, desires and needs -- that government and the law can be and are/have been (too much) captured by the rich/powerful does not obviate that reality, it underlines it

as all of human social history attests, the back and forth between the rich/powerful and the rest is, like it or not, inherent in our even comprising/being in a society, of any sort -- the rich/powerful are always there, and to one extent or another always have their say -- and one way or another, the question of what's the deal between the rich/powerful and the rest is always the issue at the core of the society existing, surviving or not, evolving or not -- and government and the law are what effect/enforce that deal, whether it's a good or fair or reasonable or decent one for the rest, or not

throwing ('big') government and the law under the bus as inevitably the corrupt cronies of corrupt big business is, accordingly, a purest-of-rank-nihilistic-bullshit frame, exactly, precisely wrong -- that is and all along has been your 'do-loop', your mental blue-screen default state in these discussions which oh-so-reliably prevents you from integrating the rest of your thoughts and concerns (which by the way, just to say it, are not all nuts), and accordingly prevents the great bulk of your presentations of your views from making the least damned bit of sense, going off in whichever directions then to fall right back into that do-loop

and also just to say it -- Bernie? -- well, given the concerns you've most consistently expressed (and leaving aside your wanderings into getting completely lost in your do-loop), that actually would make sense -- as would Hillary, for that matter


08/16/15 10:18 AM

#236833 RE: SilverSurfer #236780

Put another way, Americans want good governance and policy initiatives that address problems and improve the lives of it's citizens.

I'm guessing your effort to dissect and mock a straightfoward principle somehow makes you a hip libertarian.

But seeing that you asked, and since the top 1% own more than the bottom 99% then a top marginal tax rate of 90% sounds about right.

Remember, the top 1,361 super rich households (lets include the huge non-taxpaying corporations since they are people, too) are laughing at the rest of us as they get out of paying taxes, forcing everyone else to pay for government that they own.

For them, I think we should borrow a French guillotine.