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08/13/15 8:29 AM

#61847 RE: skeet57 #61835

There are incriminating things Ron must have known, skeet.

REVO is run by 2 people: Solomon Ali and Ron Carter. It's ludicrous, bordering on pathetic, for either of them to claim that they didn't know what was going on.

For example: Ron must have known that Greenwood Financial was not an established company, when he agreed to 'buy' it from Solomon Ali. And both of them knew that Greenwood Financial had no retained earnings, no current cash, no future income, no liquid assets, and no network of sales agents. So they both must have known, despite PR's to the contrary, that acquisition of Greenwood could not fund any product development by REVO.

Here's another example. Ron and Solomon both knew Ross Helfer and must know who, if anyone, other than Ross Helfer owns Eyetalk365. They must also both know if Eyetalk365 has any cash or assets and if it ever paid out $900k for the license.

Ron and Solomon are in this thing together. They can't be separated.
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08/13/15 8:53 AM

#61848 RE: skeet57 #61835

The SEC can provide some reputable auditors, skeet

I would think they would need to hire some one new to look over the books an outside auditor some one with a good reputation. Then what ever they find out good or bad we would know the truth .

Unfortunately it requires more than 'looking over the books' to get to the bottom of this.

REVO directors would not publish the truth, if it turned out to be incriminating.

Fortunately the SEC now seems to have some interest in finding out the truth. They have flushed out admissions from Carter and Ali that the truth is not to be found in the company's PRs, 8-Ks, 10-Qs or 10-Ks.

Those who want the truth to be revealed hope the SEC will pursue the matter to a fair conclusion.
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08/13/15 9:20 AM

#61850 RE: skeet57 #61835

How can Ron make things right, skeet?

Both Ron Carter and Solomon Ali have made statements unsupported by facts. Many were, by their own admission, 'unreliable.' Some were, at best, misleading. Others were downright lies.

Those statements were made to influence people into buying REVO shares, and to affect the REVO share price.

Those statements did influence people to buy REVO shares, and did affect the share price.

Ron Carter and Solomon Ali have made money as a direct result of this.

Others have lost money as a result.

Now, with the SEC breathing down his neck, you assure those who lost money that:

I dont know what Ron new or did not know i am not him. I do believe how ever that he is trying to make things right

And how do you believe he is going to make things right?

Re-stating the accounts is irrelevant. The scam has been perpetuated. The money taken.