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08/12/15 10:38 PM

#310494 RE: Mikey Mike #310485

Sweeney to govt attornies last year.....
"This is common people's court. I use to sit in the same bench, we got be diligent, honest and fair to the people we serve"
" I have lot of respect for plaintiffs attornies"........something along those lines :)


08/13/15 12:18 PM

#310540 RE: Mikey Mike #310485

she controls her court and I agree - she APPEARS to want transparency

I assume as a Claims court judge she tries not to muck with the Circuit court stuff

I believe Sweeny has allowed Fair to have the info it secured via depositions in this court ------ as Fair in the circuit

Sweeny using the logic she has in front of her Fair

Perry has a longer road to travel and Sweeny -- as much as we think she wants openness - may feel she has sway on her court and thus on Fair ---- but has nothing to do with Perry
