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08/11/15 10:57 PM


Read your post tomorrow and see if it sounds as outlandish to you then as it did to me tonight when I read it.

..value to our investment evaporating quickly
..seems bottomless, nothing to hold it up

You see no value in our MSFT relationship?
no value in our Novarad refreshes this qtr?
no value in our newly announced V3 f/ Education devices?
no value in our imminent Glassware being embedded in Azure?

Bottomless, nothing to hold it up
you do not see a hefty increase in revenues starting with the Nov financials and increasing exponentially every qtr after that?

May be we just have a different time horizon for this investment - mine is next year for a blow out year, most likely with the company being sold for big bucks, with the last half of this year being a good beginning for our revenues to start increasing. Your post seems to indicate a time frame of a few weeks at the most.