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08/10/15 9:49 PM

#40645 RE: Capt Billy #40644

Fascinating and very cool stuff. I wish I could be a diver on your boat.
Unfortunately, the Intel we are getting suggests that DPBE is done diving.
Beyond that are the huge notes/bills to be paid with no revenue in sight.
Sad story for sure. Time to start selling what assets DPBE has left?


08/11/15 3:50 AM

#40650 RE: Capt Billy #40644

The Preciosa site belongs to the Dominican people.
There is currently a moratorium on salvage lease contracts here in the RD
If this moratorium is ever lifted and salvage work is again permitted
The vetting process of a new company and its employees and representatives
will be very stringent. Requiring much in the way of proof of character
and financial wherewithal. The due diligence on such a company and it's people will necessitate
the approval of a team of lawyers and administrators in the way of an oversight
The standards of ethics will be much greater than they were in the past.
For years this government issued a few leases and the system ran smooth.
With the expansion of leases issued in 2010 and 2011 the quality of the work and the
results diminished with no accountability.
It has shown this government that it can no longer leave an industry such as this one self policed.


08/11/15 8:03 AM

#40652 RE: Capt Billy #40644

Nice to see your ok! As always your posts are much appreciated and very accurate! Could be a disgruntled person that wishes he had dove the sites you guys did! It is to bad you weren't able to put a name on the ship YET! It is sad that the divers that worked so hard as yourself are without work because of a group that thinks it's better to let everything deteriorate and be lost forever. Sometimes common sense is tough to come by? Seems like their not the sharpest tools in the shed. JMO